1910550 Cylinder Liner

This cylinder liner is available for Guascor SFGLD560, SFGM560 and Guascor HGMI560 gas engines.

1910550 Cylinder Liner Guascor SFGLD560, HGMI560

1910550 Cylinder Liner Guascor SFGLD560, HGMI560

We can supply in original Guascor packaging or OEM version direcly from Mahle, which company produces the liners for Guasor.

Guascor OEM piston, ring and liner set

Guascor OEM piston, ring and liner set


We offer OEM cylinder liner directly from the manufacturer, which company manufactures and supplies to Guascor. You do not have any risk, you will receive exactly the same product, only the packaging is different.


Guascor Mahle 1910091 liner assy