7689071 Turbo Charger
We offer Mitsubishi TD13M-48QRC turbo chargers for Guascor SFGLD480 (1800 rpm) and Guascor SFGLD560 (1500 rpm) natural gas engines.
You can order the turbo charger in genuine Guascor packaging or we can supply you with OEM turbo chargers directly from the manufacturer's warehouse from Japan.
Please make sure that your turbo charger has mfg. number equivalent to TD13M-48QRC.
Numbers necessary for identification: Guascor 76.89.071, TD13M-48QRC, TD13M-48QRC. Please locate these numbers on the data table on the charger.
Turbo repair kit for TD13M-48QRC is also available. Guascor part number 7689360. Mitsubishi part number 49182-80120
For further information do not hesitate to contact us for technical assistance.
Guascor & Mitsubishi Quick Cross Reference Guide
Guascor | Mitsubishi |
7689067 | TD09-QRC-25 |
7689068 | TD13M-48QRC |
7689069 | TD13M-43QRC |
7689071 | TD13-M-48QRC |
7689072 | TD13M-45QRC |
7689074 | TD09-40QRC |
7689075 | TD13M-48QRC |
7689061 | TD09-36QRC |